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Hello there!

We love and raise pedigree Exotic Shorthairs!


Our cats are our family. We make sure that every kitten born to us is socialized in an active household. Per many of our pet homes our cats have a "bomb proof" temperament. We believe every Exotic should patient, loving and unbebothered.

Looking for a furry smoosh to add to your family? Check our Kittens page!

We  are eternally grateful to our dear friend and mentor, Linda Donley of Ashlin Zots for trusting us with her decades of work. 

(Some parts of the website are currently under redesign - pardon our very hot mess.)


More info about the wonderful world of Exotics!

Essentials List

What do you need to keep your Exotic healthy and happy?


We are proud members of The International Cat Association.

Dr. Elsey's

We proudly use and endorse Dr. Elsey's Precious Cat products! 

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